Welcoming the Annual Season

The spring peepers are singing, the robins are here. It can only mean one thing – our lovely Pacific Northwest spring is here! With it comes the arrival of the irresistible Pansies and Primroses, announcing the start of the Annual season.

Our lowest priced annuals, as well as our most versatile and reliable in many ways, are the primroses. We sell them as annuals, but they have often lived in my garden for years. My ‘Coco Purple’ was blooming in December, only slowing down during the big freeze week. They also multiply reliably, it’s easy to lift, divide and replant them each year for more plants. These come in a stunning array of colors and styles, not the least of which are the double ‘Primlets’ and the ‘Hethor’ series. Check out our selection, it is good from February through the beginning of March – but does dwindle a bit after that.

Also sold as annuals, the pansies and violas produce COLOR in a wide spectrum of colors. Given an occasional shear back, they can bloom all summer. The smaller the flowers, the more likely they are to last for more than a year. Plus, if some flowers do go to seed, they can easily be sown for more plants. We try to find room for every variety we can fit on the tables, we know everyone has their favorites. Mine is ‘Honeybee’ currently, but I’m always up for a new must-have. We will have these available over most of the annual season.

Lastly, our selection of potted bulbs of all kinds is terrific the first half of March. Tulips, Narcissi, Hyacinths, Grape Hyacinths, and many others are sold as annuals and available now. And, also in the great bargain department, they can be planted out in the garden after you enjoy them in spring. Be sure to let the foliage die back naturally, that puts the energy into the bulb for next year’s flowers.

Happy Planting!