Gardeners are an industrious breed. By nature, we are proactive and tend to scan areas in the garden for the next step to take before any guide or handbook advises us to do so such as getting the winter garden planted or pre-ordering seeds and bulbs for Fall.
But, what is equally as important is slowing down to enjoy the garden and take in the wealth of abundance that we have fostered throughout the year.
With its long days and hot afternoons, an August summer garden reminds us to relax and supplies us with visual clues to do just that: the once far-reaching pea pods leaves and vines are now yellowed and going over; rose bushes have entered a summer dormancy; tomatoes are taking their own sweet time to ripen on the vine, as well as the ever-bearing strawberry plants; and if you’ve kept up on weeding, most are temporarily kept at bay (click the link below to watch a video from Ciscoe Morris and learn his tips on killing dandelions organically).
When we give ourselves permission to take a break and breathe in the warmth of the fresh summer air, we re-group and self nourish so that we can continue doing what we love doing best.