Trees, Shrubs & Grasses for Fall Color

residenceA great, reliable tree that makes an extra strong statement in fall, Red Maple (Acer rubrum varieties) offers gorgeous red, orange, or yellow end-of-the-season leaves.  But Autumn color shouldn’t be limited to Fall Maples.

Perennials offer unusual appeal in the garden and bring color to your landscape on a small scale without using specimen trees. Conifers and summer blooming heather and grasses have strong alteration as the temperatures and moisture levels shift.

Some of our favorites include:

Grassesthe Miscanthus (‘Morning Light’ pictured) genus has great fall color, most shift from bright greens to rich-hued reds, oranges and golds in addition to white tasseled seed heads.'Morning Light'

Heather-the Calluna group blooms in the summer and their foliage changes, depending on the variety, from chartreuse to deep burgundy.

Standard and Dwarf Conifers-Certain varieties of pines (ie. Pinus mugo ‘Carsten’s Winter Gold’) develop a brilliant gold coloration in fall and winter.  Cryptomeria’s turn a wonderful plum color.